Testsite Ameland TidalKite SeaQurrent 052024

TidalKite excursion: SeaQurrent’s journey to Ameland

Reserve your spot

TidalKite excursion: SeaQurrent’s journey to Ameland

Visit our test site, get a behind-the-scenes look, learn about our journey so far, our demonstrator at Ameland, and discover what’s next on the horizon. Don’t miss this exclusive experience to explore our innovative TidalKite system. 

SeaQurrent Boardingpass@3x

The excursion begins at 12:30 PM in Holwerd, Friesland. The return to Holwerd is scheduled for around 5:15 PM.

Locatie Excursie

The excursion is a boat trip from Holwerd to our test site in the Borndiep near Ameland, and then back to Holwerd.

A detailed invitation with further information will follow.

Please choose either Wednesday, September 18, or Thursday, September 19, and complete your registration by Friday, preferably before August 3, as limited tickets are available.

Register for TidalKite Excursion