NESOI supports SeaQurrent
NESOI supports SeaQurrent
SeaQurrent is grateful to have received support from the NESOI facility. NESOI, short for New Energy Solutions Optimised for Islands, stimulates solutions for decarbonisation of islands. SeaQurrent is developing the TidalKite, an innovative tidal energy solution that can be deployed on all tidal resources and is uniquely suited for water flows in shallow waters with lower velocities. It substantially widens the deployment potential of tidal energy, also near islands, where most tidal locations have such characteristics (lower velocity, shallow waters).
The NESOI FAMTIPP project (Feasibility AMeland TIdalkite Power Plant) will be executed with support of NESOI partners R2M Solutions, Wolf-Theiss and RINA as well as local experts in various fields Credion, Bluespring and Waterproof, all contributing to different areas of the feasibility study, including legal, environmental, economic and societal dimensions as well as relevant lessons learnt.